Comparing Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries with Lithium-Ion Batteries

July 28, 2022

Greetings, energy enthusiasts! Today, we are going to compare two advanced energy storage technologies: Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries and Lithium-Ion Batteries. Both of these batteries are capable of storing a large amount of energy that can be released when needed. However, they have different characteristics that can make one more suitable than the other for a particular application.


One of the main differences between Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries and Lithium-Ion Batteries is their chemistry. Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries use a liquid electrolyte that consists of zinc ions and bromine molecules. When the battery discharges, zinc ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode, where they combine with bromine molecules to form zinc bromide. During the charging process, this reaction is reversed, and zinc bromide dissociates back into zinc ions and bromine molecules. Lithium-Ion Batteries use a solid electrolyte that consists of lithium ions that move back and forth between two electrodes, the anode and cathode, during discharging and charging.


The efficiency of a battery is determined by its ability to store and release energy without significant losses. Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries have a round-trip efficiency of around 70%, which means that around 30% of the energy is lost during the charging and discharging process. Lithium-Ion Batteries have a round-trip efficiency of around 90%, which means that they lose around 10% of the energy during the charging and discharging process.


The lifespan of a battery is determined by the number of cycles it can endure before its capacity drops below a certain threshold. Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries can last for around 3000 cycles, which makes them suitable for applications where a large amount of energy needs to be stored and released over an extended period. Lithium-Ion Batteries can last for around 1000 cycles, but this number can vary depending on the operating conditions and the battery's age.


The cost of a battery is a crucial factor that determines its suitability for a particular application. Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries are currently more expensive than Lithium-Ion Batteries. According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the installed cost of a Zinc-Bromide Flow Battery is around $700 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), while the installed cost of a Lithium-Ion Battery is around $450 per kWh. However, the cost of Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries is expected to decrease as their production increases, and manufacturing technologies improve.


Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries and Lithium-Ion Batteries are both advanced energy storage technologies that have different characteristics. Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries are suitable for applications where a large amount of energy needs to be stored and released over an extended period. They have a longer lifespan than Lithium-Ion Batteries, but they are currently more expensive. Lithium-Ion Batteries are more efficient than Zinc-Bromide Flow Batteries and are suitable for applications where a smaller amount of energy needs to be stored and released over a shorter period. They are also more widely used and have a lower cost. The choice between the two batteries depends on the specific requirements of the application.


  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2015). "Energy Storage System Cost Benchmark: Report." [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 July 2022].
  • Zhang, H. et al. (2018). "A review of Zinc–Bromine flow batteries." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91, pp. 1094-1106.

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